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Flights from Dubai to Macedonia

Prices for flights from Dubai to Macedonia usually start at $230 for a return trip. Get more information on the route, airports, and weather below, or start the search by selecting your travel dates.
1 Adult, Economy
Pick Dates

Route details

3613 km

Flight prices to Macedonia

$230 – $374
Price range (Roundtrip)

Weather now




Know more about your trip from Dubai to Macedonia

Macedonia has 2 popular cities where you could fly to

Information about flights from Dubai to Macedonia

Going from Dubai to Macedonia? Macedonia has 2 cities where you could fly to.

The cheapest option should be taking a flight to Skopje, starting from $230.

Best flight options to travel from Dubai to Macedonia

8h 35m$230
The average flight time to Macedonia is 8h 35m if you fly from Dubai, with the fastest flight to Skopje that takes 8h 35m and the longest to Skopje with 8h 35m. The average distance to Macedonia is 3613 km km if you measure from Dubai, with Skopje as the closest city and Skopje as the furtherest.

Flight prices from Dubai to Macedonia


These are normal flight prices to Macedonia. It means that the majority of our users have picked flights in this range. If you see prices higher than $374, it is probably an expensive flight. To find the best price we recommend you search early, using our flexible dates feature.

If you're flying from Dubai, the cheapest option is Skopje, where prices usually start from $230, while the most expensive flight options are to Skopje, starting from $230.

Direct flights from Dubai to Macedonia

We could not found any direct flights to Macedonia, if you are flying from Dubai. Perhaps try selecting a different origin or search for direct flights to the whole country (Macedonia).

Direct flights to Macedonia

Abu Dhabi
No direct flights to Macedonia

Popular Cities

Prices are stated for roundtrips.

Airports in Macedonia

Macedonia has 2 airports.
Ohrid Airport OHD
Skopje Airport SKP

Weather in Macedonia

Weather in cities in Macedonia right now:
Clear sky
3 m/s
49 %

Monthly weather

Planning a trip and want to know what the weather in Macedonia will be like?