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Flights from Melbourne to Lisbon

1 Adult, Economy
Pick Dates

Route details

17759 km

Weather now

Few clouds



Flight prices from Melbourne to Lisbon

Price range

Typically the return flight from Melbourne to Lisbon costs about that much:
New York
Average price
The majority of our users select flights from Melbourne to Lisbon in this price range, so these prices are considered normal. If you find flights priced higher than $1,582, they are probably more expensive than usual. To find cheap flights at the best prices, we advise you to search early, using our flexible dates feature.
Founder, CEO
We don't have much price data on this route, so $1,582 is an average estimation.
If you are flexible, it’s worth using the flexible dates feature to check multiple dates. You could possibly save a lot.
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Which is the cheapest month to fly to Lisbon?

Here are approximate min and max prices for Melbourne to Lisbon flight (return trip) at the moment:
We don’t have data for this route yet. Try searching different months by clicking on them below and get a feeling of when it’s best to fly for you.
Founder, CEO
We don’t yet have enough data to estimate which month is the cheapest. We will display this data when more people search for this route.
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Select month to see best prices:

7 - 14 nights
Founder, CPO
We’ve developed the Trip Period feature to help you find the best prices to Lisbon if you are flexible. Just select the amount of days that you want to be away and the desired month and we’ll find the best combination.
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Is Lisbon an expensive destination?

We have compared flights from Melbourne to Lisbon with other routes:
Price per kilometer: 0.09 $ / km
Flight prices to Lisbon ($1,582 – $1,582) are pretty expensive compared to other destinations.

Direct flights from Melbourne to Lisbon

Airlines that have direct flights from Melbourne to Lisbon

No direct flights to Lisbon

Airports in Lisbon and Melbourne

Lisbon has 1 airport and Melbourne has 4 airports.
Lisbon Airport (LIS)
6 km from Lisbon city center.
~10 Min.
~10 Min.
~10 Min.
~15 Min.

Which airport in Lisbon is better?

The closest airport to Lisbon city center is Lisbon Airport (LIS) with 6 km distance. The quickest way to get to city center is to take a bus from Lisbon Airport (LIS), trip will take 10 min. Most airlines like with direct flights are flying to Lisbon Airport (LIS).
Founder, CEO
The most popular airport is Lisbon Airport (LIS). The fastest option to get to the Lisbon city center is to take the bus for about 10 minutes.
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Where to stay in Lisbon

Find the right accommodation in Lisbon with Avionero:
VIP Inn Berna Hotel
Av. Antonio de Serpa, 13
24-Hour Reception • Elevator / Lift • Multilingual Staff • Dry Cleaning • Currency Exchange
Pensao Estacao Central
Calçada Do Carmo, 17 - 2º, 3º
Free Wi-Fi • WiFi • 24-Hour Reception • Bath • Luggage Storage
Rossio Suites
Rua Convento da Encarnacao, 29-43
Free Wi-Fi • WiFi • Hair Dryer • Luggage Storage • Refrigerator
Lisboa Central Hostel
Rua Rodrigues Sampaio nº160
Free Wi-Fi • WiFi • 24-Hour Reception • Non-Smoking Rooms • Elevator / Lift
City Stays Chiado Apartments
Rua Da Oliveira ao Carmo 57
Free Wi-Fi • WiFi • Hair Dryer • Bath • TV
Search Hotels in Lisbon

Planning a trip from Melbourne to Lisbon? Check the weather

16 Days Weather Forecast

Here’s how the weather in Lisbon looks currently:
Wed, 26 June
Few clouds
6 m/s
57 %
Thu, 27 June
6 m/s
53 %
Fri, 28 June
5 m/s
63 %
Sat, 29 June
Broken clouds
6 m/s
73 %
Sun, 30 June
Scattered clouds
7 m/s
50 %
Mon, 01 July
Scattered clouds
5 m/s
44 %
Tue, 02 July
Clear sky
7 m/s
48 %
Wed, 03 July
Clear sky
8 m/s
37 %
Thu, 04 July
Clear sky
8 m/s
44 %
Fri, 05 July
Clear sky
6 m/s
45 %
Sat, 06 July
Clear sky
6 m/s
46 %
Sun, 07 July
Clear sky
8 m/s
43 %
Mon, 08 July
Clear sky
7 m/s
43 %
Tue, 09 July
Clear sky
8 m/s
48 %
Wed, 10 July
Clear sky
9 m/s
43 %
Thu, 11 July
Clear sky
7 m/s
35 %

Monthly weather

Planning a trip and want to know what the weather in Lisbon will be like?
Still thinking when to go? Read when is the best time to visit Lisbon.

CO₂-e emission on the Melbourne – Lisbon route

Here are typical CO₂-e emissions on a return flight to Lisbon:
5671 kg5671 kg5671 kg
From 5671 kg to 5671 kg is the approximate amount of CO₂ equivalents emitted on the Melbourne to Lisbon route. The exact figure depends on the number of stops, the type of airplane and its capacity.
284 - 284 trees
are needed to absorb those emissions (approximation, source: Climate Neutral Group)

Offset CO2-e emission on Melbourne – Lisbon flight

To reduce your own impact from flying to Lisbon, you can also compensate for it. This means that you sponsor projects that reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by the same estimated amount that your flight emits:
Renewable Energy
Solar energy in India
Read more on KlimatKompensera


Flying from Melbourne to Lisbon? Here are some useful things to know:
What airports does Lisbon has?
There are 1 of airport in Lisbon: Lisbon Airport. The closest one is Lisbon Airport which is 6 km away.
How far is it to fly between Melbourne and Lisbon?
A passenger flying direct from Melbourne to Lisbon will travel around 17759 km.
What is the flight time from Melbourne to Lisbon?
Typically it takes from to to fly from Melbourne to Lisbon.
When is the best time to travel to Lisbon from Melbourne?
Usually, the most popular time to travel to Lisbon is . Want to avoid peak prices? Try flying from Melbourne to Lisbon in , which is considered the cheapest time to travel.
How much does it cost to fly from Melbourne to Lisbon?
Typically a return flight from Melbourne to Lisbon costs .
What is the weather in Lisbon?
Lisbon weather varies from +54°F in January to +75°F in July on average. Right now it is Few clouds and +72°F in Lisbon.
Is there a direct connection between Melbourne and Lisbon?
No, there are no direct flights to Lisbon if you are flying from Melbourne.