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Flights from New York to Honolulu

Need cheap flights from New York to Honolulu? Select dates to start a search or take a look at tips on airfares, airports, weather, and other useful information.
1 Adult, Economy
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7982 km

Weather now

Clear sky



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Flight prices from New York to Honolulu

You can usually book a return flight from New York to Honolulu for that amount:
No data yet
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We don’t have sufficient data yet to display price ranges. Make a search to get live prices instead.
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We don’t know the price range on the New York to Honolulu route yet. Not enough people have searched this route to get any price insights. That means you can be one of the first!
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Which is the cheapest month to fly to Honolulu?

Here are approximate min and max prices for New York to Honolulu flight (one-way) at the moment:
We have analyzed the prices and it seems that October might be the cheapest month to go, with approximate prices from $225 to $283. Meanwhile, the most expensive month will probably be August with a price range of $243 – $301.
Founder, CEO
It’s very likely that the cheapest month to travel will be October. Find out yourself, by searching for a whole month below.
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Is Honolulu an expensive destination?

We have compared flights from New York to Honolulu with other routes:
Not enough data
Price per kilometer: -- $ / km
Unfortunately we don’t yet have enough data for this route to tell if it’s expensive or not.

Direct flights from New York to Honolulu

We could not found any direct flights to Honolulu, if you are flying from New York. Perhaps try selecting a different origin or search for direct flights to the whole country (USA).
Not enought data yet
Founder, CEO
There are not yet enough searches on this route to determine if there are direct flights or not. Try searching for direct flights and you might find one.
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Airports in Honolulu and New York

Honolulu has 1 airport and New York has 4 airports.
New York
Honolulu International Airport (HNL)
7 km from Honolulu city center.
~10 Min.
~30 Min.
~10 Min.

Which airport in Honolulu is better?

The closest airport to Honolulu city center is Honolulu International Airport (HNL) with 7 km distance. The quickest way to get to city center is to take a bus from Honolulu International Airport (HNL), trip will take 30 min.
Founder, CEO
Honolulu International Airport (HNL) can be considered Honolulu’s main airport. It takes about 30 min. by bus to reach the city center.
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Where to stay in Honolulu

Find the right accommodation in Honolulu with Avionero:
Aqua Skyline at Island Colony
445 Seaside Avenue
Free Wi-Fi • WiFi • Swimming pool • Fitness Room/Gym • Spa & Wellness Centre
Pacific Marina Inn
2628 Waiwai Loop
Free Wi-Fi • WiFi • 24-Hour Reception • Swimming pool • Fitness Room/Gym
Halepuna Waikiki by Halekulani
2233 Helumoa Road
WiFi • Parking • 24-Hour Reception • Swimming pool • Fitness Room/Gym
Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort
2335 Kalakaua Avenue
Free Wi-Fi • WiFi • Parking • 24-Hour Reception • Swimming pool
Waikiki Marina Resort at the Ilikai
1777 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 212
Parking • 24-Hour Reception • Swimming pool • Fitness Room/Gym • Elevator / Lift
Search Hotels in Honolulu

Things to do in Honolulu

Some of the activities you can do while travelling to Honolulu:
882 reviews
Pearl Harbor USS Arizona Memorial & Battleship Missouri
Half-day Tours • Bus Tours • Private and Luxury • Historical Tours • Ports of Call Tours
2720 reviews
Pearl Harbor USS Arizona Memorial
Half-day Tours • Bus Tours • Private and Luxury • Historical Tours • Ports of Call Tours
3917 reviews
Paradise Cove Luau
Family-friendly Shows • Dinner and Show • Luaus • Shows • Food & Drink
2473 reviews
All Inclusive Ultimate Circle Island Day Tour and Waimea Falls
Day Trips • Nature and Wildlife • Full-day Tours • Bus Tours • Private and Luxury
1662 reviews
Grand Tour Around Island 16 Locations plus Snorkeling
Day Trips • Nature and Wildlife • Full-day Tours • Bus Tours • Plantation Tours
1664 reviews
Star Casual Sunset and Show Cruise
Theaters • Dinner and Show • Sunset Cruises • Dinner Cruises • Art Tours
375 reviews
Mauka Warriors Luau Honoring Polynesia's Forgotten History
Theaters • Honeymoon • Dinner and Show • Cultural Tours • Historical Tours
See all Activities in Honolulu

Honolulu guide

About Honolulu

Honolulu, the capital city of Hawaii, is a tropical paradise nestled on the island of Oahu, surrounded by stunning beaches, lush mountains, and vibrant cultural attractions. From the iconic Waikiki Beach to the historic Pearl Harbor, Honolulu offers a wealth of experiences for every traveler. Explore the bustling streets of downtown Honolulu, where you'll find a mix of modern skyscrapers, historic landmarks, and eclectic shops and restaurants.

The culinary scene in Honolulu is a delightful fusion of flavors from around the world, with a focus on fresh seafood, tropical fruits, and traditional Hawaiian cuisine. Indulge in poke bowls, loco moco, and shave ice at local eateries and food trucks, or enjoy fine dining with ocean views at upscale restaurants overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Don't miss the chance to sample Hawaiian specialties like poi, laulau, and kalua pig at traditional luaus and cultural events.

Honolulu's cultural richness is evident in its museums, galleries, and historic sites that showcase the island's unique heritage and diverse influences. Visit the Bishop Museum to learn about Hawaiian history and culture, or explore the Iolani Palace, the only royal palace in the United States. Throughout the year, the city hosts cultural events and festivals, including the Honolulu Festival, the Pan-Pacific Festival, and the King Kamehameha Day Parade, celebrating the legacy of Hawaii's monarchs and cultural traditions.

Honolulu is a tropical paradise where stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes come together to create an unforgettable island getaway.

Honolulu themes

This is what Honolulu is known for:


Honolulu is located in USA, 7982 km away from New York:
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Avionero brings you new ways to select a destination. Instead of a specific place, try choosing a theme like "Hiking" or "Family" and see our suggested destinations and flight prices.
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Currency and exchange rate

Both New York and Honolulu have the same currency: United States Dollar.
Exchange rate

Visa to USA

No visa is required for US citizens. Allowed stay is - days¹.
For US citizens

Language in USA

Official language in USA is English. People knowledge of English is native/fluent².
Official language
Knowledge of English


Honolulu is a relatively safe city. Meanwhile, a moderate level of caution is advised³.
Relatively safe

Air Quality

Honolulu generally has a very low level of air pollution⁴.
Air pollution: very low

Honolulu pros and cons

Honolulu is home to some of the world's most beautiful beaches, perfect for swimming, surfing, and sunbathing.
Cultural Richness
The city offers a rich blend of Hawaiian and Asian cultures, evident in its cuisine, festivals, and historical sites like Pearl Harbor.
Outdoor Activities
From hiking to snorkeling, Honolulu provides endless opportunities for outdoor adventures amidst its lush mountains and crystal-clear waters.
Traffic Congestion
Honolulu can suffer from heavy traffic congestion, especially during rush hours, which may impact travel times and accessibility to popular attractions.
Cost of Living
The cost of living in Honolulu is high, with expensive accommodations, dining, and activities, making it less budget-friendly for travelers.
Popular tourist spots in Honolulu, such as Waikiki Beach, can become crowded, particularly during peak tourist seasons, detracting from the tranquility of the experience.

Planning a trip from New York to Honolulu? Check the weather

15 Days Weather Forecast

Here’s how the weather in Honolulu looks currently:
Fri, 28 March
Clear sky
2 m/s
65 %
Sat, 29 March
Few clouds
3 m/s
63 %
Sun, 30 March
3 m/s
67 %
Mon, 31 March
5 m/s
69 %
Tue, 01 April
4 m/s
66 %
Wed, 02 April
Broken clouds
7 m/s
66 %
Thu, 03 April
7 m/s
65 %
Fri, 04 April
7 m/s
70 %
Sat, 05 April
6 m/s
65 %
Sun, 06 April
5 m/s
68 %
Mon, 07 April
11 m/s
65 %
Tue, 08 April
12 m/s
73 %
Wed, 09 April
8 m/s
71 %
Thu, 10 April
6 m/s
71 %
Fri, 11 April
12 m/s
78 %
Show 15 day forecast

Monthly weather

Planning a trip and want to know what the weather in Honolulu will be like?
Still thinking when to go? Read when is the best time to visit Honolulu.


Flying from New York to Honolulu? Here are some useful things to know:
What airports are in Honolulu?
Honolulu is served by 1 airport: Honolulu International Airport. The nearest airport is Honolulu International Airport located 7 km away.
How far is it between New York and Honolulu by plane?
Honolulu is around 7982 km away from New York.
What is the flight time from New York to Honolulu?
Typically it takes from ∞h NaNm to -∞h NaNm to fly from New York to Honolulu.
How good the weather is in Honolulu?
The coldest month is January with an average temperature of +73°F. The hottest month is August with an average temperature of +81°F. Right now it is +77°F and Clear sky in Honolulu.
Is there a direct connection between New York and Honolulu?
No, there are no direct flights to Honolulu if you are flying from New York.

About Avionero

Avionero is a Swedish travel planning startup located in Malmo, founded by Lars Kristensson and Anton Tyulenev.
Using our smart AI Search engine, we combine millions of flight, hotel, and activity options for your trip to Honolulu.
Read more about the company.

4 things to know about Avionero:

We provide the most flexible search
We have the largest inventory of flights
We are not the sellers, but aggregators of flights, hotels & activities
We do not track you to raise prices
Read more about our features.

What our users are saying

An outstanding travel site to find both interesting destinations as well as the lowest prices. I know of no other site that has that range of rflygesor world wide.
Anders Thern on
Very flexible and easy to use. Avionero has great flexibility and I like the fact that you can search based on preferences, even when you're not sure where you wanna travel to.
Nemrud on
Avionero makes travel planning easier! Finding flights between unusal travel destinations is a part of my work and that has been a problem previously.
Magnus Bråth on
The most flexible travel search I have tried, and gives really relevant results. I like the user experience, very intuitive.
Hikmet Akgüc on
Best flights comparison site, good prices and very helpful suggestions.
Patric Blixt on
Easy to use interface with a lot of options around flexibility. Avionero shines when you not really certain when or where you like to go.
Frequent flyer on
Will be using this to search for cheaper flights, I've been using Skyscanner which doesn't store previous searches in session for me to go back to.
Vic on

Source of the data

The prices, airlines, and airport data on the pages come from our own database. It is based on searches made by our users and comes with some degree of approximation and estimation.

Prices stated on the page are “cached prices”, meaning that those prices were accurate when the search was made. Usually, there is a time stamp next to such prices.

Quotes on the page are coming from real people with whom we did multiple interviews about the route.

Other sources:

  • (1) Visa data is taken from Passport Index;
  • (2) “English knowledge” is based on the ranking of countries and regions by English skills by EF;
  • (3) “Safety index” is taken from Numbeo;
  • (4) “Air quality index” is a PM2.5 data from 2023 taken from IQAir;
  • (5) Amount of trees is an approximation (source: Climate Neutral Group);

Last updated 6.06.2024